虾仁翻译之Tazz离开WWE后发表的解释说明 - 摔迷点评


虾仁翻译之Tazz离开WWE后发表的解释说明 2009-04-18 23:10



Taz Comments On WWE Release

Taz posted the following message on his Facebook Page today:

1、Well, after leaving WWE recently, I would like to make my first public comments here on the page. I would like to thank the Pro Wrestling fan base for the support through all my years with ECW & WWE! I especially want to thank all of you on this Facebook fan page from all oVer the world! I try to read most of your comments and I am truly flattered on how many of you supported what I did in the real ECW and my broadcaSting accomplishments in WWE. Lets face it, after my debut at MSG vs the great Kurt Angle their wasn't much for me to "hang my hat on" as a wrestler during my tenure wrestling for WWE.

在离开WWE之后,我想在这里向公众发表我首次的评论。我想感谢一些专业的摔角迷们在我为ECW和WWE工作的期间一直支持着我。特别想感谢在Facebook上看我文章的各位世界各地的粉丝们。我尽量阅读所有你们的评论,真的很感谢大家对我在ECW摔角和WWE上的广播造诣的支持。让我们接受这个事实吧,当我在麦迪逊广场花园作为一个摔角选手对抗超级Kurt Angle后,在WWE摔角我几乎很少“掀开自己的头巾”。(应该是指他伤痛很多,很少摔角。)

Now, I want to clear up some "true & false" for all of you....


-My contract expired the end of March and I had given my notice several weeks prior

-I ask WWE for my release to pursue other interest

-I offered to call Wrestlemania while I was not contractually obligated....and offered to call the show for free to the company.

-I have fulfilled EVERY obligation to the WWE, and pride myself on leaving the proper/professional way.

-On my way out, from Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn & Stephanie ALL treated me great...which was cool.
-在我离开的时候,Vince McMahon、Kevin Dunn和Stephanie都对我表示友好,真的很不错。

-I APPRECIATE all of the offers for appearances but right now I'm just doing very few appearances (if any). I'm gonna chill out and watch my kid hit baseballs.

-I am done wrestling. At 41 years old, several neck and shoulder issues...not happening. I would be a former shell of myself.

-I too have hated the extra "Z"


-Burnout (If anything, I'm more inspired & motivated now than ever)

Hopefully that clears up some things people were saying in regards to my situation. Also, I have had the opportunity of becoming friends with so many talented & awesome people within the WWE while working there for nearly 10 years and will miss many of them! I would like to thank the writers, road & studio crew and all the talent...especially guys I have a closer friendship with.

4、I especially want thank three of the main play by play guys I've work with.

Joey Styles
-A dear friend whom I've been goombas with for 15 years and will stay friends with! I felt Joey never had a chance to truly be "Joey Styles" in WWE as an announce talent...that's a shame. But the announce style is completely different than anything Joey ever really did in the business....tough to adapt.Joey Styles
-一个跟我一起 GOOMBAS(不知道什么意思) 15年的朋友,我们的友谊将会一直持续下去!我认为这位在WWE主持的天才并没有机会真正成为过“Joey Styles”,非常令人惋惜。不过这样的主持风格与Joey在这份工作上的其他事情非常截然不同,有点难以适应。

Jim Ross
-The best of the best! True Hall of Famer and a man I respect and appreciate. I cannot thank him enough for all he has taught me as an announcer...as of recent JR & I were the Smack announce team and were doing a strong job in my view....we have shared some good times on many road trips as of recent...BOOMER SOONER!! And I'm a Nebraska Husker fan (lol)Jim Ross
-一个无与伦比的人,一个真诚的名人堂成员,并且是我一个非常尊重和感谢的人。我对他对我在广播方面的教导感激不尽。前阵子,我和JR在SMACKDONW合作主持,在我看来,我们对这份工作都充满了热情,在每次的旅途中,我们都分享了无限美好时光。。。我们在不久将来都会安顿下来!我是个Nebraska Husker的粉丝。(笑)

Micheal Cole
-One of my best friends...a guy that truly gave me the confidence to excel as a color commentator years ago in WWE...Cole taught me how to get over the talent, the storylines and get over the brand! He was the only one that had the balls to flat out say to me "its not about you anymore"...I respect that. Amazing work ethic, always would try to find a way for me to get over on him...zero ego & underrated!

I been hearing that Cole has been getting bashed by some on-line fans lately- check this out, if you work at McDonald's and your boss wants you to cook BicMac's...you than go and cook BIG MACS! Anyway, I look forward to working with Cole in the future in some cAPAcity be it TV or Radio.

Micheal Cole


5、I want thank World Wrestling Entertainment and the McMahon Family for all the years and all the opportunities...they allowed me a great ride which I truly appreciate.

In closing, I've been in the Pro Wrestling business for 23 years and I don't plan on disappearing anytime soon.

I plan to make an impact real soon in this, the ultimate in businesses and keep it's honor....lol....sorry for crossing the line with my sophomoric humor! Survive if I let you.
(这一段我承认我翻译不了,所以我请教了创少侠,感谢他的帮助)我打算马上对这片领域造成影响,最大程度的利益化并使这项事业受到尊重(笑)。我为我的离题以及半桶水的幽默感到抱歉。Survie if I let you!(这句估计是他的口头禅:只有我允许,你才能生存。)






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