wwe2009年10月26日-Bragging Rights 2009 - WWE赛事

wwe2009年10月26日《耀武扬威 2009》

Bragging Rights 2009


Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole & Todd Grisham


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Mellon Arena

2009-11-08 00:00:00




人名 冠军
  1. 非播出 ECW Heavyweight Title赛
  2. Christian (c) vs. Paul Burchill
  3. RAW Vs. SmackDown赛
  4. John Morrison vs. The Miz
  5. RAW Vs. SmackDown 三对三组队赛
  6. Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly & Melina vs. Beth Phoenix, Michelle McCool & Natalya
  7. World Heavyweight Title 四面楚歌赛
  8. The Undertaker (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista
  9. RAW Vs. SmackDown 14 Man 团队赛
  10. Team RAW (Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Shawn Michaels, The Big Show & Triple H) vs. Team SmackDown (Chris Jericho, David Hart Smith, Finlay, Kane, Matt Hardy, RTruth & Tyson Kidd)
  11. WWE冠军 任意地点压制 60 Minute Iron Man赛
  12. Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena
  1. 非播出 ECW Heavyweight Title赛
  2. Christian (c) 战胜 Paul Burchill
  3. RAW Vs. SmackDown赛
  4. The Miz 战胜 John Morrison (10:54)
  5. RAW Vs. SmackDown 三对三组队赛
  6. Beth Phoenix, Michelle McCool & Natalya 战胜 Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly & Melina (6:54)
  7. World Heavyweight Title 四面楚歌赛
  8. The Undertaker (c) 战胜 BatistaCM PunkRey Mysterio (9:55)
  9. RAW Vs. SmackDown 14 Man 团队赛
  10. Team SmackDown (Chris Jericho, David Hart Smith, Finlay, Kane, Matt Hardy, RTruth & Tyson Kidd) 战胜 Team RAW (Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Shawn Michaels, The Big Show & Triple H) (15:34)
  11. WWE冠军 任意地点压制 60 Minute Iron Man赛
  12. John Cena 战胜 Randy Orton (c) [6:5] (60:00)
