虾仁翻译摔角传记之Michelle McCool - 摔迷点评

虾仁翻译摔角传记之Michelle McCool

虾仁翻译摔角传记之Michelle McCool 2009-04-17 07:19




翻译作者:虾仁大侠  日期:2009年4月17日

Wrestling Biography about Michelle McCool
摔角传记之Michelle MiCool

1、Born in Florida in January of 1980, Michelle McCool did not enter into a career that most would think would lead to her becoming a WWE Superstar.  McCool, rather than a model, actress, or stunt person, was a teACHer.  However, her entire life changed when she decided to enter the 2004 WWE Diva Search ConTest.  

译文:1980年1月出生在佛罗里达州的Michelle McCool以前所从事的职业并不是多数人想像的那样会最终引导她成为一个WWE的超级巨星。McCool不仅做过模特、演员、特技人,还曾经是一名教师。但无论如何,她进入2004年 WWE Diva Search Contest(WWE Diva 海选赛)这个决定改变了她的整个人生。

2、The 2004 Diva Search, the first contest held by the WWE, was quite the change for McCool.  She didn’t win (Christy Hemme did), but she impressed the judges and the WWE management, and she was offered a developmental contract.  At first, McCool only participated in beauty contests and the like, but she was later sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling and Deep South Wrestling to learn how to wrestle and how to create her character.

译文:2004年WWE举办的第一届Diva海选赛,对McCool的影响非常大,虽然没有赢得比赛(Christy Hemme赢了),但WWE的高层对她留下了深刻印象,因此她跟WWE签了一份发展合约。一开始,McCool只参加一些选美之类的比赛,但后来她被派去Ohio Valley Wrestling(一个练摔角技术的地方) 和 Deep South Wrestling(另一个练摔角技术的地方)学习如何摔角和塑造自己的角色。

3、In June of 2006, McCool appeared on Smackdown in the guise of a hot teacher.  She started out as a heel and as the valet for Idol Stevens and KC James.  Together, they formed the group “Teacher’s Pets” and began a rivalry with the tag team titleholders Brian Kendrick and Paul London.  However, they never seized the title themselves.  In NoVember of 2006, McCool was put in the hospital with an electrolyte imbalance and an enlarged kidney.

译文:2006年6月份,McCool 以一个反派的性感教师形象出现在SmackDown,并且作为Idol Stevens 和 KC James的贴身“婢女”(姑且翻译为“婢女”)。与此同时,他们成立了一个以“教师的宠物”自居的团队,并一同对抗双打冠军腰带持有者Brian Kendrick和Paul London。遗憾的是,他们从来没获得过双打冠军。2006年的11月份,McCool因电解液不平衡和肾扩张(医学名词不懂,翻译错多多包涵)进入医院。

(Idol Stevens 后面的女孩很脸熟吧?) 

4、McCool recovered and returned to the WWE in March of 2007, but by that time, Stevens and Idols were no longer with Smackdown.  McCool’s character was changed from a slutty teacher to the All-American girl.  She began doing short vignettes about how she loved life.  She was also portrayed as a good friend of Chuck Palumbo.  However, that friendship was broken when Chuck and Jamie Noble began a feud with McCool.

译文:2007年3月,McCool恢复健康重回WWE,但在那个时候,Stevens和Idols已经不在Smackdown了。McCool的角色从一个淫荡教师变成了“全美女孩”。她开始向大家展示她多么地热爱生活,她还告诉大家自己是Chuck Palumbo的一位好朋友,但好景不长,最终 Chuck和Jamie Noble都跟McCool决裂了。

5、In July of 2008, McCool defeated Natalya Neidhart at the Great American Bash to seize the Divas Championship title.

译文:2008年7月,McCool在Great American Bash(超级美国盛会)中击败Natalya Neidhart从而夺取了Divas的冠军腰带。



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