WWE五十大终结技排名(透剧) - 摔迷点评


WWE五十大终结技排名(透剧) 2012-06-22 00:00



50. JBL - Clothesline

49. Vader - Vader Bomb

48. Dusty Rhodes - Bionic Elbow

47. Million Dollar Man - Million Dollar Dream

46. Kerry Von Erich - Iron Claw

45. Ravishing Rick Rude - Rude Awakening

44. Lex Luger - Torture Rack

43. Dudley Boyz - 3-D

42. Bam Bam Bigelow - Moonsault

41. DDP - Diamond Cutter

40. Mankind - Mandible Claw / Socko

39. Honky Tonk Man - Shake Rattle and Roll

38. Yokozuna - Bonzai Drop

37. Flash Funk - 450 Splash

36. Sting - Scorpion Lock

35. Lita - Moonsault

34. Kevin Nash - Jack-knife

33. Jerry The King Lawler - Piledriver

32. RVD - Five-Star Frog Splash

31. Big Show - Chokeslam

30. CM Punk - GTS

29. Brock Lesnar - F-5

28. Bob Backlund - Chicken Wing

27. Batista - Batista Bomb

26. Mr. Perfect - Perfect Plex

25. Kurt Angle - Ankle Lock

24. Chris Jericho - Lion Tamer / Walls of Jericho

23. Edge - Spear

22. Iron Sheik - Camel Clutch

21. John Cena - Attitude Adjustment

20. Scott Hall - Razors Edge

19. Goldberg - Jackhammer

18. Rey Mysterio - 6-1-9

17. Road Warriors - Doomsday Device

16. Bruno Sammartino - Bearhug

15. Sgt. Slaughter - Cobra Clutch

14. Jeff Hardy - Swanton Bomb

13. Eddie Guerrero - Frog Splash

12. MACHo Man Randy Savage - Elbow off Top Rope

11. Randy Orton - RKO

10. Bret Hitman Hart - Sharpshooter

9. Jimmy Superfly Snuka - Superfly Splash

8. Nature Boy Ric Flair - Figure Four Leg Lock

7. Hulk Hogan - Leg Drop

6. Shawn Michaels - Sweet Chin Music

5. Jake The Snake Roberts - DDT

4. The Rock - Rock Bottom / Peoples Elbow

3. Triple H - Pedigree

2. Undertaker - Tombstone Piledriver

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Stunner




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